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It is incomprehensible to me that you could destroy my life this way. I loved you with all my heart, I did everything for you.
Am I going to live through this each and every year for the rest of my life? When will I ever have peace again Emile? When........
Why did you not tell me what was going on? What was so bad you had to hide it and kill yourself. I don't understand WHY Emile?
Two weeks and two days from now you were dead and I didn't even know what you were planning. I am broken Emile
Rea mom of Emile
Baie soentjies en drukkies vir jou Emile. Ek verlang so vreeslik na jou. Dankie dat jy my heeltyd wys dat jy by my is. Lief jou
Rea mom of Emile
Emile, I miss u so very much, my heart is aching and it feels as if it will never be okay again. Love u my son and friend. xxxxxxx
Rea mom of Emile
Ek wil nie meer hiernatoe kom nie, dit maak te seer elke keer. Ek wil liewer jou by my sien. Lief jou vreeslik baie my maatjie xxx
Rea mom of Emile
Dankie dat jy vir my kom kuier het in die droom, maar ek is bang vir wat dit beteken Emile, Ek lief jou so baie, vir ewig en altyd
Carolyn Dewrance
I did not know you personaly, but I feel as if I have always known you, sleep peacefully until you return from that long trip.
Rea mom of Emile
Ek verlang so baie na jou Emile. Sal jy seblief in my drome vir my kom kuier, ek wil jou net een keer sien en sê hoe lief ek jou x
Donna Berg
Emile, I think of you and your mom all of the time. Send her hugs and a big kiss. Tell Aaron I miss him and love him.
Loralee Bradley
Praying that you get the chance every day to give mom some reason to smile. Smiles are hard to come by now. Hug Wayman for me. HUG
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