I hope you and my Alex met in heaven and become friends. You know how much we miss you guys.
You left a path of sorrow and pain. You mom and I remembers you guys every moment of our life. Now, you know we love you and miss you.
Please Emile look after you mom. She is a wonderful woman. We all make mistakes, but the mother's love is unconditional.
I love Emile, say hello to my Alex.
Patty: Alex's mom.
Hello Emile
Just a quick note to ask you to please look after your sweet Mom . She feels so lonely and lost without you my ange .
If you could please send her a sign she needs it right now .
love to all up there
keep rocking
(Moniques Mom )
Rea: You have created a beautiful tribute to your precious son...may all the wonderful memories you and Emile created together shine in your heart and bring you peace and comfort. love and peace to you, carol MIKESMOMRS from MCLG
My wonderful sweet Emile, I remembered today when me and you walked in the rain on the beach a few years ago. We walked for miles and I remembered how you helped me over rocks so I musn't fall and the wonderful love in eyes as you looked at me. I remembered how we held hands and jumped over the bluebottles so that we won't get stung. Oh Emile, I miss you so very much and I can't imagine being without you for the rest of my life. I just hope and pray I won't have to wait long to see you again. Please visit me in my dreams and take care of my heart. I am so glad I have so many wonderful memories of you. It keeps me going as well as make me weep with longing to see you and hold you. I know you know how much I love you now. Sweet kisses to you...

Hi Emile Ange
So what have you been up to lately ???
I came by to say hello and keep rocking up there hun /
Send lots of love and hugs to your precious Mom please.
Love to all the angels
Love and mad respect
Doris (mom of Monique )

LORD, I pray for Rea (and all of Emile's loved ones) who inspite of her own grief, she still manage to reach out and comfort others who are grieving as well. Wrap them in your arms as you are doing to me often. Amen.
Oh my God, I am so sorry. May the Lord help you.

"Jesus said to her, "I am the one who brings people back to life, and I am life itself. Those who believe in me will live even if they die. Everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe that?" (John 11:25)
Lord, we do believe that! We cling to that hope with all that is within us. It is that promise that gets us through the day and gives us hope for the future. Thank you for reassuring us that death for your children is merely a passage into a perfect world, where you will one day wipe away all our tears. Thank you for EASTER.