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How do I live with my son's suicide?


It was a lovely quiet Sunday morning, on 5 February 2006, when my life irrevocably changed in the blink of an eye. My husband and I were on our way to the shop when an emergency vehicle passed us with loud sirens and flashing lights.   In my ignorance I said to my husband I wonder who died now. In the meantime the vehicle was on its way to the scene where my son Emile, 20, hanged himself during the Saturday night or early Sunday morning in a weeping willow tree in a park near our house. I will never forget those words I uttered.   About a half an hour after we returned home children from the neighborhood called my youngest son to our gate. They informed him that a young man, who fit Emile’s description, committed suicide in the park. We quickly drove there. The area at the tree looked like a crime scene. Emergency and police vehicles and personnel were everywhere. The place where my son was lying was surrounded by police tape. I told the trauma officer I thought it could be my son. He led me to a body lying on the grass under the tree covered with an emergency blanket. I stood there looking at my son’s face in shock. It was like a dream, I could not believe my eyes. It couldn’t be true. I kept asking my husband if I was dreaming, it couldn’t be Emile lying there dead. Everything felt like a nightmare, the daylight was blinding and I heard a roaring noise in my head. The trauma officer spoke to us but I did not understand one word he was saying. We went home and I started phoning family and friends to tell them. Nobody believed me because I didn’t cry and told them in a matter of fact way that Emile hanged himself. The only thing that went around and around in my mind was: “It can’t be, it can’t be, my son can’t be dead. This is all a nightmare and I’m going to wake up any minute.” On the Sunday evening I returned to my senses and realized it was true. I never understood the meaning of keening, but that night I keened for hours and the weeks following Emile’s death.   It felt as if I was going insane. My thoughts were in disarray and I felt anxious the whole time. The next day we had to go to the mortuary to identify him. It was the most horrid experience I ever had to go through. I could not believe he was lying dead on that cold slab of cement. It didn’t look like my beautiful son. My heart was torn into pieces and I felt like dying of a broken heart! Every day was a nightmare. A part of me died with my son on that fateful day and I couldn’t function in a normal way.   I stayed in bed for weeks and all I could do was cry my heart out. Every night I was on the Internet for hours searching desperately for somewhere, where I could share this unbearable pain I was feeling. I phoned radio pulpit every day and told my story to Christian therapists over and over in the hope that someone could make it better for me. There was nothing in South Africa apart from The Compassionate Friends who helped me tremendously. There is no help for the unbearable pain a parent experience after the suicide of a child. Nobody out there understands what you are going through. There is nothing anybody can do or say to make you feel better. For months I ate almost nothing and didn’t cook or clean or did anything in the house. It felt as if I was all alone on earth. I couldn’t imagine a future without Emile. I couldn’t think properly or remember anything I did or said or what anybody else did or said. I didn’t remember anything that happened to me, I was on autopilot the whole time. The worst thing was that Emile didn’t leave a letter or anything to explain this to me. I searched everywhere like one possessed for anything that could explain why my son did this awful thing. I searched the area under the tree and in the tree for a clue. I scratched around in his clothes and searched every pocket and place for something to give me an idea why my son did this. The questions are still driving me insane. Why, what? What was wrong with my son I didn’t see? Was I so selfish and self centered I never realized there was something wrong with Emile?   I still blame myself that I didn’t realize what was going on in his mind, what he was planning. What did I do wrong in his life, where did I fail as a parent?

I look at other parents with big sons and I can’t believe that Emile isn’t here any more. I didn’t just lose a son to suicide, but a friend. The sorrow and despair is indescribable, and if you don’t find yourself it that situation, you can never imagine what parents go through. I started an e-mail support group for parents who lost their children called Loving Arms. We share our heartache and support each other with encouragement and understanding.

Nobody understands this hell and they don’t know what to say to you. People in their ignorance say all kinds of stupid things to a parent in this situation. They say things like: “Your son committed suicide and that means his soul will never find rest, you have another child live for him now, you need to get over it now and carry on with your life”. And it does nothing to change the destruction in your mind it just adds to the pain and heartache. On more than one occasion I just wanted to scream out at them: “please just leave me alone, you have no idea what you are talking about. My son is dead and I don’t know why.” I was on a suicide mission of my own for months and landed in hospital after I tried to overdose with tranquilizers.

Nobody can come through this pain without any help. It is an emotional roller coaster ride and you never know how you are going to feel in the next moment. One minute you are in this deep dark hole of despair, and the next you feel so angry that this abominable thing could’ve happened to you. Then there are days when you feel quite calm. On other days all you can do is cry uncontrollably and feel as if you will never ever be normal again. My perception of life changed completely, and things that were important in the past don’t mean anything any more.

Misty Hunter Barnett September 9, 2012
My baby boy Austin is gone
image My baby boy Austin, 15 years old, hanged himself 5 days ago in his closet out of a fit of anger.  There were no signs.  No note.  NOTHING.  He got in a fight with his stepdad and I asked him to go to his room to cool down and when my husband checked on him he was hanging in his closet already gone.  Paramedics tried for an hour to bring him back and he was just gone.  My heart is broke into a million pieces.  I just want to go be with him.  We haven't buried him yet.  His funeral is tomorrow.  His viewing has been yesterday and today and I just can't bear the thought of never seeing his sweet face again.  I love him so much.  I don't want to live without him.  How can I?  He is my first born and it was just me and him for 8 years when his sister was born.  Then a few years later his little brother was born.  We were buddies.  Loved the same rock and roll music.  Talked very philosophical for a 15 year old.  Had great plans to be a United States Marine.  He'd talked about being a Marine since he was 6 years old.  He was in his second year of Jr. ROTC at his high school.  He had so many friends and not one enemy.  There was no bullying, no girl that broke his heart.  I just don't understand.  It was just a fit of anger and he didn't realize what he was doing was permanent.  I just don't know how I'm going to live without him.  Once he's buried, I don't know that I can continue to live my life without my baby boy. 
kathy August 11, 2012
I lost my husband to suicide in 1986 , now my son just commited suicide . It was  very hard to deal with my husband  but now my son I cant handle it although I am hiding it very welll inside I am dying. I remarried after my first husband died and have 2 more kids now I worry about them willl they see this as an easy way out ??? My son just died less than a month ago  it is now just htting me  because I hold  everrything back  he had a wife and 3 young children I focus on them not me  , I have to make sure that they are ok and I cant deal with my probs  but it is getting to me now how can I handle it ? I dont want to let them know what I am going thru I have to be there for them . I have to stay strong , I have to keep emotions hidden . I have concerns was it a chemical imbalance passed on to my son , are my grandsons going to inherit it ???? I have no idea . I cant mourn  I have to be strong  I have to show them things are ok you can deal with them and handle  it  , but secretly Im dying from the pain  and bawling my eyes out and cant sk for help or understanding. I dont question the Lord  I dont blame him in anyway . I just dont know how I can keep up the facade that I am fine . Im not...

TJ Allen July 29, 2012
Missing you every moment...
My son left this earth 3 days before his 35th birthday. The coroner ruled his death a suicide from a overdose of his prescription meds for bi polar disorder. I remember my sweet child being happy and healthy and so alive up until his early twenties. Then he was diagnosed as being bi polar. The medications, handed out by uncaring self centered white coats who call themselves doctors, seemed to make him worse at times. Calls to his doctor went unheeded, and the doctor even laughed at us and called us overbearing. He lived with a roommate, who agitated him to no end, which didn't help matters either. Then my son began miixing alcohol with the meds for his bi polar. I tried every thing within my power to help him. I say within my power because HIPAA ties parents hands behind their backs when it comes to a adult child. Doctors will not speak with you or even acknowledge you. I did have control over his disability funds for a couple of years, paid his rent and bills for him, but kept him away from alcohol. Then along comes this smart punk who called himself a doctor and gave him a release of his funds and that was the beginning of the end. My son had a few days that were good, but most were bad. Then one morning around 3 a.m. I got a knock on my door. The officer advised me son had taken an overdose of meds and he did not make it.  I did not cry then, I think it was a combination of knowing this day was coming and shock. Now I cry at the drop of a hat, sometimes for no reason. The mixture was two presc meds for his bipolar, separately they would have been fine, but together, lethal. Was it suicide, or was it the carelessness of the doctor for not telling him to discontinue one.  There was no note. Either way my son is gone. 6 yrs this October, and I still have a hugh hole in my heart. Most days are getting better. Since my mother passed away last yr, it seems to give me peace knowing she is with him, as he always loved his granny. But in reading the other posts here, it appears we all have the same questions, why my son, what could I have done differently, if I had only done this, or that, or tried harder, maybe he would still be here today. It gives me comfort knowing I am not crazy and others feel the same and have the same questions. The last couple of days have been hard for some reason and hence I found this site. Maybe because everything is going so well in my life, but I am not happy and don't foresee how or what is ever going to make me happy again. He was my only child, I wish I had had another so maybe things would feel different.  i find myself questioning what I am working towards accomplishing. Most of my goals have been accomplished. Without my son, now what?  As far was what others say, I hear the "oh he is in a better place" my response of late is, "really, have you been there, or talked to anyone who has?"  One poster said his family relative wrote an ugly poem about the death of his son. I find that the most inhumane thing, anyone, let along a family member, could do.  The day before my son's funeral I opened my door to find a anonymous note left at my door with a scripture from a Jehovah Witness pamphlet stuffed inside stating my son would not go to heaven. What kind of human being does something like that?  Anonymous because the person who left it was a coward, and not worthy of breathing the air on this earth. Why do people like this still live, when our seet children are gone? I miss you my sweet Gregory, love you, and think about you every day.  Mom 
francesca July 25, 2012
My son committed suicide a few hours ago
My first born died at 21 from an illness in 1991....now my second baby is gone...he shot himself a few hours ago .  He was only 41 and very sad about the fracturing of his family...his wife and 3 small children.  I'm here alone after the police delivered the news.  I don't know what to do.
Father July 2, 2012
Please stay with me son
My son told me tonight that he had attempted to kill himself twice this year while away at school.  He said it was over a breakup with a girl, but I know he is afflicited with the same depression that I am.  He said he knows it was a mistake, but I feel it is just a matter of time.  He says medication and therapy is out of the question.  I feel like I have been told that my life is about to end.
Sherie June 21, 2012
We only have 1 life to live.
Hi everyone.......  I just read through most of the heart ache stories of parents just like me who lost their child to suicide.  I am broken and feel like most of you.  why go on?  And like most of you... I have other Children and a mom who i love, who i could never put this kind of pain on them. I also know life is a gift and even though my son decided to end his life... that was his choice but it does not have to be mine... Now how do i go on?  how do i laugh again?  How do i go to the beach or horse back ride? The loss i feel seems unbarable sometimes.  And yes i have the dreams of him being alive then i wake up and it seems like some crewl joke.  I explain it as being ground hog day over and over again.  It has been 4 months since Brent my son 22 years and 9 months Shot himself in front of his father and his grand parents ran out and saw him. They saw him take his last breath.  My son called me that day begging me to come get him from his grand parents and i told him no.....  What you dont know is Brent turned to drugs to self medicte his deppression.  He was a little slow so he used Meth to help his brain get things quicker.  But this drug gave him crazy thoughts and caused his suicide. I told Brent i would not come get him that day because we had gone through so much manipulation in the years past that i thought he was doing it again....I had no idea he would or ever could do something like this. What i want to say is this..................  I could hang on his every last word and his life and death his everything.... but the reality is, we are all going to die. some sooner then others all in different ways.  We should not stop living just because another person...  even the fact that they are our child, ended their life.  We deserve to live.  Now i know it is easy for me to say as i really did do everything known to man to try to save Brent i lived for years in fear of the call i fianlly got that horrible day.. . I really do not have much guilt but the guilt i do have... God forgives if we ask .... he created us anyway.. Leave the judgement up to God because he knows all.  First thing we nee to do is keep moving... excorcise.... count yourself worthy of life because you are!!!!  God bless you,  Sherie

Karen Lawson June 6, 2012
Two Years Later
image I'm still here. Many days i've wished I was with my son. I think many of us think of our own suicide when we lose a son or daughter to suicide.  It's been a miserable two years. Lots of grieving, lots of crying, lots of "WHY".  I wonder how different it would have been if my son's death was not by suicide but in a car crash or accident. Would the pain still be this great?  Brent died in April 2010. The first Halloween, we went all out. His favorite holiday. Christmas came and went with no significants. We hit his first death date--very difficult. It's like putting one foot in front of the other and making yourself have the energy to walk, talk, think, etc. Happiness is definitely forced. As soon as you think of laughing or having a good time, guilt comes over. But why guilt? I know I tried and tried to do anything in my power to make my son's life better.  I think it's the "what ifs", the "would haves", the "should haves", etc. that get us.  Plus our outrageous grief we feel.
We hit the second "death date"; I've always heard the first two years are the most difficult. My daughter and I still visit the counselor/medium.  She's been a life saver. The second Halloween was even better. I know Brent loves it. I'm reading lots of books to try and understand. I've come up with this: God had been watching Brent. He saw the pain he was in. He could see he had had enough and said, "come home". Brent's suffering is over. I wish my suffering was over. I feel his spirit around me. Sounds crazy but I smell him and it makes me smile. I'm working on being happy and laughing. I know Brent would want that. I also write him letters. Of course, he knows everything that's going on with us. It helps me to put my words to him on paper. To include him. I have a wall of my favorite pictures of him in a hallway. I stop and look and smile.  Then I cry. Why is this pain so strong? Because we miss and love him. This life on Earth was too much for him this go around. Next time he will be better and happy. I can't wait to see that. In his life, my son gave me great happiness that I would never ever want to have missed. Some don't get the estatic feeling of a son's birth and 34 years. God took him home to wait for me.
I love you Brent. Save a place for me; I'll be there soon.

Karen - Brent's mom.
My Beautiful Son Michael I Miss You

My son passed away on 3-15-2012. He moved to Florida for 6 months training on his new job. He was so looking forward to this great chance to be a man and have a career. Until 3 weeks into the move something terrible happened and I don't understand
WHY it did. He shot himself in the head with his new revolver. My world has ended as I once knew it.We got a call around mindnight that night from Michael telling us something was wrong.He said we have a problem. Still half asleep I said what do you mean son we have a problem? He said someone stole his work labtop out of his truck and he was going to be in trouble.  He said this is not good.  We could tell he had been drinking and we told him go to bed and we will call you in the morning.  You could have misplaced it or it could be at work.  He seemed okay, but still somewhat upset he told us he loved us.
That morning at 6:30 am when I tried to call him there was no answer I was really worried. I though he probably drank some more and could not hear the phone.My husband,daughter, and myself tried calling him up until around noon.  We knew something was horribly wrong. We called the local police and gave them permission to go in to his apartment. They called us back and said they were about to go in and they would call us back.  We waited for 4 and 1/2 hours before they call us back with the horrible newsthat our only son had shot and killed himself. I feel to the floor and cried for what it seems like forever and askiing my son and God WHY!!!!! We loved him so much and prayed for him so much every single day of his life why did he allow this to happen.We are good people and Michael would have givenyou the shirt off of his back. He lived at home with us up until this point.  I still think i can hear him calling Mom come here I got to tell you something or ask you something. He was spoiled his younger sister had spoiled him. He was always charming and funny except when he was depressed. He wanted everything perfect and would have a guick temper if he couldn't do something perfect. He was born premature and we have babied him ever since. He grew up to be a strong, handsome, generous, kind, hard working man he would tell us he loved us everyday and sometimes he would give you the biggest bear hug ever. I still can't believe he is gone. He promised me he would take good care of himself.  I told plenty of times son if something if happened to you it would just kill our whole family.
He would just look at me as to say what are talking about. He would say you don't need to worry about me.
After reading the police report which was very difficult it was determined he shot himself about 30 minutes after we hung up that night. I said tomyself WHY did't I call him back and keep tallking to him. I knew he was homesick and missed his friends.
We were over 700 miles away from our son's body. It took us 4 days to get him home. It was the most heart breaking moment when his Uncle brought his truck home with all of his belongings that needed to be unpacked and everything was home, but him. I smelled his clothes just trying to remember him and his last moments all alone with his thoughts and disappointments that I will never understand. I never in a million years would have thought this could happen to my family we thought we had the perfect family. At the funeral I had my husband clip some of Michael wavy hair to put in my locket with 2 of his pictures.  I wear this necklace everyday. A few days after Michael's death a 21 year old male in our community did the same thing.  I did not know his family, but I do feel their pain. I feel the pain from each and everyone of the parents that have put their messages on this site. It hurts to the bone and our hearts are broken. My whole body aches just to see him one more time. I know one day we will all be together again and this is what keeps my going. Mama loves you son.

Machelle May 10, 2012
I caused my son to commit suicide
My 15 year old son died on 8 May 2012. He shot himself in the head with my gun in my bedroom closet. I had left and gone to the store to get him and his sister lunch and when I came back I couldn't find him. I eventually went upstairs and found him laying on the closet floor, still alive and breathing. I screamed out to him and his eyes looked back at me. I ran to call 911 and it seem as if it took them forever to get there. I later heard from a detective that they decided not to airlift him since he was breathing on his own. That gave me hope. But by the time I made it to the hospital, he was on a breathing machine and they tested him overand over and declared him brain dead. I wanted to die immediately. I love my son but I was so hard on him. I gave him everything but I still was so very hard on him. I fussed at him a lot. I put him on punishment almost weekly. I said things no mother should ever say to a child, regardless if it's off the tip of the tongue or out of anger. My son wanted me to love him. He missed the mom he had until I had another child some 12 years after him. He missed being with me and going to the park and playing ball and going to lunch together. He didnt understand how he and I could be so close our entire relationship to him being scolded and chastised and put down and reprimanded and treated like an adult, not a 15 year old. I wish he would've killed me. I wish more than anything in the world that he would've killed me. For the record, I dont believe my son wanted to die. He wasnt afraid of guns but he didnt feel comfortable dealing with one. I bought him a pellet gun, he never touched it. He was a tall kid but he didnt like comfrontation or violence so guns wasn't his thing. Which is why Im so shocked he even had the boldness to even touch a gun, let alone pull the trigger. I think he was reaching out desperately for his mother to love him and treat him like a son. I dont believe he thought this thru. I think it was spur of the moment, a way to get my attention, for me to pay attention to him and realize what he was to me. Something went so terribly wrong. I thought I was going to die watching him in that hospital bed with all those tubes, his eyes swollen from the gun shot, his head wrapped in bandages.  I love him so much. I would do anything to bring him back. I would do anything to trade places with him. The mean hateful things that would come out of my mouth to him, I really hope I'm punished for it, hopefully with death. I dont want to be here. The ONLY reason I have not committed suicide is because Im told he is in heaven and if I want to ever see him again, I have to get to heaven too. I hate myself so much. In this state, I can offer nothing positive to my daughter, so I am giving her to her father. I will just exist until I dont. I truly hope to die soon. He deserves to be here alive. Im the one that should be dead. Im the one that caused him so much despair and hurt that he felt the need to do this to get my attention. I hope Im punished with a painful death and I hope that happens very very soon. Son, I love you so much. It kills me that you might not have known that the moment you pulled that trigger. I would do anything for another chance with you. I love you so much and I dont think I can go on without you. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. Please dont be mad at me or hate me because I would do anything to undo this. Please forgive me. I love you.

Kelly March 26, 2012
I died same day my son Trevor died
image My son trevor when he was 21 years on - 4-6-10.  I was at work and got a call that he had shot himself. I prayed the entire why home to please let it be his stromach or leg. When I got to the house there was yellow caution tape everywhere and i could tell by the faces he was gone. I did not runn to him, I just fell on my knees in the street screaming. I did not want any one to touch me. He has shot him self in my bathroom. Like maybe it was a message - but what.there was no note.  There was a I LOVE YOU MOM on a blackboard wall I had in the kitchen.  WHEN HE DIED I DIED. ALL I LOOK FORWARD TO IS HOPEFULLY BEING WITH HIM AGAIN SOON. But at some point he took some precription drugs that the doctors sp easliey just hand out.  Then that leads to needing harder drugs, he told a friend that his life was over. She told him No -was only 21 people make mistakes..  But I was to hard on him, I wasn't there for him, I should have known that he could not break away on his own - he needed the love of family and we were not there.  We let him down and becuase of that a your life was wasted ...and my life is over. I merely wait until I can be with him again , I pray that he will want to see me ..forgive me. I wish I had a way of no other parent to have to feel this pain/lloss. I what the kids to be able to hold it togther. It can get better. Just hang on and know you are loved and needed.

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