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How do I live with my son's suicide?


It was a lovely quiet Sunday morning, on 5 February 2006, when my life irrevocably changed in the blink of an eye. My husband and I were on our way to the shop when an emergency vehicle passed us with loud sirens and flashing lights.   In my ignorance I said to my husband I wonder who died now. In the meantime the vehicle was on its way to the scene where my son Emile, 20, hanged himself during the Saturday night or early Sunday morning in a weeping willow tree in a park near our house. I will never forget those words I uttered.   About a half an hour after we returned home children from the neighborhood called my youngest son to our gate. They informed him that a young man, who fit Emile’s description, committed suicide in the park. We quickly drove there. The area at the tree looked like a crime scene. Emergency and police vehicles and personnel were everywhere. The place where my son was lying was surrounded by police tape. I told the trauma officer I thought it could be my son. He led me to a body lying on the grass under the tree covered with an emergency blanket. I stood there looking at my son’s face in shock. It was like a dream, I could not believe my eyes. It couldn’t be true. I kept asking my husband if I was dreaming, it couldn’t be Emile lying there dead. Everything felt like a nightmare, the daylight was blinding and I heard a roaring noise in my head. The trauma officer spoke to us but I did not understand one word he was saying. We went home and I started phoning family and friends to tell them. Nobody believed me because I didn’t cry and told them in a matter of fact way that Emile hanged himself. The only thing that went around and around in my mind was: “It can’t be, it can’t be, my son can’t be dead. This is all a nightmare and I’m going to wake up any minute.” On the Sunday evening I returned to my senses and realized it was true. I never understood the meaning of keening, but that night I keened for hours and the weeks following Emile’s death.   It felt as if I was going insane. My thoughts were in disarray and I felt anxious the whole time. The next day we had to go to the mortuary to identify him. It was the most horrid experience I ever had to go through. I could not believe he was lying dead on that cold slab of cement. It didn’t look like my beautiful son. My heart was torn into pieces and I felt like dying of a broken heart! Every day was a nightmare. A part of me died with my son on that fateful day and I couldn’t function in a normal way.   I stayed in bed for weeks and all I could do was cry my heart out. Every night I was on the Internet for hours searching desperately for somewhere, where I could share this unbearable pain I was feeling. I phoned radio pulpit every day and told my story to Christian therapists over and over in the hope that someone could make it better for me. There was nothing in South Africa apart from The Compassionate Friends who helped me tremendously. There is no help for the unbearable pain a parent experience after the suicide of a child. Nobody out there understands what you are going through. There is nothing anybody can do or say to make you feel better. For months I ate almost nothing and didn’t cook or clean or did anything in the house. It felt as if I was all alone on earth. I couldn’t imagine a future without Emile. I couldn’t think properly or remember anything I did or said or what anybody else did or said. I didn’t remember anything that happened to me, I was on autopilot the whole time. The worst thing was that Emile didn’t leave a letter or anything to explain this to me. I searched everywhere like one possessed for anything that could explain why my son did this awful thing. I searched the area under the tree and in the tree for a clue. I scratched around in his clothes and searched every pocket and place for something to give me an idea why my son did this. The questions are still driving me insane. Why, what? What was wrong with my son I didn’t see? Was I so selfish and self centered I never realized there was something wrong with Emile?   I still blame myself that I didn’t realize what was going on in his mind, what he was planning. What did I do wrong in his life, where did I fail as a parent?

I look at other parents with big sons and I can’t believe that Emile isn’t here any more. I didn’t just lose a son to suicide, but a friend. The sorrow and despair is indescribable, and if you don’t find yourself it that situation, you can never imagine what parents go through. I started an e-mail support group for parents who lost their children called Loving Arms. We share our heartache and support each other with encouragement and understanding.

Nobody understands this hell and they don’t know what to say to you. People in their ignorance say all kinds of stupid things to a parent in this situation. They say things like: “Your son committed suicide and that means his soul will never find rest, you have another child live for him now, you need to get over it now and carry on with your life”. And it does nothing to change the destruction in your mind it just adds to the pain and heartache. On more than one occasion I just wanted to scream out at them: “please just leave me alone, you have no idea what you are talking about. My son is dead and I don’t know why.” I was on a suicide mission of my own for months and landed in hospital after I tried to overdose with tranquilizers.

Nobody can come through this pain without any help. It is an emotional roller coaster ride and you never know how you are going to feel in the next moment. One minute you are in this deep dark hole of despair, and the next you feel so angry that this abominable thing could’ve happened to you. Then there are days when you feel quite calm. On other days all you can do is cry uncontrollably and feel as if you will never ever be normal again. My perception of life changed completely, and things that were important in the past don’t mean anything any more.

Candace November 10, 2016
My pain never ends
image I never knew something could hurt so much. There are days I can't go on. I will never be the same. I Miss my son so very much. I have so much guilt feelings Shane I let him down I blame my self for not seeing the signs.he was at my house that morning at 3:00 am New that was unusual but I still would being blind thinking he was just depressed because it of his girlfriend leaving him .he had me color his hair that morning and then we talked ,and he went home that night he called 911 and said he was going to kill himself , and said the door will be open and he's going to be in the bathtub and then he got in the tub and put the gum in his  mouth .then my other son came to me at 6:00am and said Joel killed himself .my life has forever changed ,I'm so lost and dark inside. Is like I hate the world because I can't be upset at my son I pray someday for peace  
Jay Hack November 5, 2016
To Jonathan
Jonathan - I wish I would have seen your post earlier.  I truly hope you are still with us. I lost my youngest son to suicide and have suffered with thoughts of suicide since.   There is no chance of me acting on this as I have a wife and son that I love very much and there is no way I will leave them.  I am, however, very concerned about you.  I get that you are in pain, I really do, but please know that wherever you are, there should be people that you can talk to.  Please choose life.  Despite the despair and hopelessness that I feel, I believe that better days are ahead, and I beg you to consider this and that the same can be true for you. 
Jay Hack November 4, 2016
My son Liam
I'd like to thank Rea for creating this website.  My son Liam ended his life on March 3, 2016, at the age of 15.  He was a great kid and had a ton of potential, his suicide came as a shock to everyone that knew him.  My wife and I will live with that guilt forever.

I think that any parent that has lost a child to suicide is in a particular place in hell that only we can understand.  I'm not sure if it would help, but I'm wondering if any of you would have any inerest in forming a chat group or facebook page or something like that.  I'm not on Facebook and don't do chat groups so I don't know how that all works, but I see some value in having contact with people in similar circumstances.  If there is a chat feature in this webiste can someone please let me know, and if this page is intended for that purpose can someone tell me - it looks to me that this page is intended more to share stories than it is to "chat". 

I wish all of you peace, if even for just a moment. 
carol trinkley October 10, 2016
Duane's battle
My beloved son Duane struggles with chronic depression for over 7 yrs.  5 1/2 yrs ago he attempted suicide by jumping from the highest point on the bay bridge.  God provided us with a miracle, he lived.  God wanted to give him more time to draw closer to him and accept Jesus as his personal savior.  Which he did and lived a Godly life.  He did suffer with brain damage and was in and out of hospitals many times, trying all kinds of meds and therapies, even ect.  It was discovered he also had a brain tumor.  The last yr., his depression grew worse and he was almost non verbal and hardly could communicate.  This August the 13th 2016 he jumped again from the same spot on the bridge.  This time God knew he was struggling and in so much pain that he took him home.  He leaves behind 3 children, his sister and me, his Mom.  We have lived together during these difficult years and I did everything I could possible do to help him.  It's normal and every one has had to try to resume their daily walks in life.  I am still in terrible pain and miss him so much.  My heart is truly broken and although I am so blessed, my life will always be missing a part of me.  
jennifer cothran October 6, 2016
I don't know how to let him go
On October 13th of last year, my husband and I, along with my three other sons, received text messages from my oldest son saying that he loved us.  Because they were all coming in at one time, we knew something was wrong.  Christopher was 22 years old and had just moved away from home four months prior to.  On that dreadful day, panick stricken and in complete and utter chaos, my sons and I drove to Christophers home.  We weren't sure what we would find.  We just knew in our hearts something wasn't right.  When we pulled up to the house, his best friend and roomate came out of the side door with his hands on his head and told  us to not go inside!!!!!!!!!!!  I knew at that moment my son had done something horrific!  He had taken a 9mm gun and shot himself in his right temple.  He had just left his first job and was expected at his second job shortly after.  He didn't leave a note.  We knew of nothing going on in his life that triggered such a act!  All we know now, is he is gone forever.  I feel like I died that day too.  I will never ever be the same.  It is a lonely lonely place to be as a parent of a suicide.  How do I live without him?  Everyday I relive it in my mind.  I feel such guilt.  I should have been there to comfort him.  What did i miss?  Why didn't he come to us for help?  He was my best friend, not just my son.  I depended on him.  I miss him so much...............
Marelize October 6, 2016
On the 9th August I tried to phone my heart broken son, with no luck. I've got onto his facebook and there it was ...... he's farewell letter on facebook. He was found by his brother in his garage, he gassed himself in his car. This was three weeks before his 37th birthday

He loved life so much, he loved GOD, everyhing was a joyride .. unil two years ago when his wife left him for his friend. He was so heart broken and weekend after weekend we sat and picked up all the pieces. He lost his bond with his two sons and that was such a big problem for him. They stayed 150km from each other so he saw them every second weekend. This is four days a month!!!! The mother made the choice and my son had to suffer. My son was so bad mouth by this ex and that broke my son's self esteem so much. Then he met this girl 16 years younger than him, our whole family was against the relationship but for my son's sake we accepted her and treat her well .  She used him for two years and when his money was finished she was finished with him. This is the way she was brought up, her mom and grandma did the same. Every two years another man.

He loved her so much, but she went from his bed into another man's bed. He could not take it as history with his ex was repeating itself. For six month's my beloved son was so broken. He prayed and turn his whole life towards God. Our family did not see much of him the last six months because as soon as we said that he must go on with life and forget about this girl he saw you as a negative person and put a distance between you and him.  I saw him two days before he killed himsself and what a shock, (I saw him twice that week) suddenly I saw how sad and bad he looked. I said to him he is going to have a nervous breakdown and he said "I know mom" I said Son you look terrible and he said "I've lost 15km Mom" and he packed his bags and left. I spoke a few times to him that night and told him that everything will be okay he must just give it time. I spoke to him the whole of Monday until late that evening. He was so calm the whole day. What I did not know is that the young lady spoke to my daughter in law(brothers wife) and told her that she thinks he is going to do something stupid that night. My daugter in law(brothers wife) told the ex girlfriend that she told me and everything is under control. My daughter in law made a story and told my son that the ex girlfriend did not want to see him and that she said that she will vomit if she ever saw him. His last words that evening was "Am I such a disgrace that people will vomit if they see me" 

And now I have to keep quiet, and pretend to love my daugter in law, but in my heart I hate her with such passion.  She has definately no regrets and are as happy as can be. How can I say something, then my little grandson will also be without a dad as my son will definately leave her immediately.

I was not there the last six months for my son, not the way he want me to be, people hurt him so bad and he was the unhappiest lonely person on earth .... my boy that love the life so much.My son that would never ever hurt anybody, not by mouth of fisically.  I can't cope with all the guilt. And all this guilt is killing me. Why didn't I walk this road with him as I did with his divorse. We were so closed from the day of his birth. But his last six months I saw him so little and when I saw him I was always fighting with him because he made himself so sick. And now I have to sit with all this questions and I just don't get any answers.  And slowly I am busy dying day by day

Deborah Grooms September 15, 2016
Joseph Stevens I think of you everyday
I woke op 2 years 50 days ago yo my mother and my sister knocking at my door 4:30 in the morning I knew the minuet I opened the door something bad was wrong but I never expected it yo be Have a seat I couldnt sit I just started screaming no I knew it was my son They said he shot himself I can not belive he did it Every timed I try to think what if he did I lose it Theeres still not a day goes by that I dont car at least once I lost quite a few pounds Cant gain them back I feel like theres something I should be doing to prove he didnt do that I feel like I must be a terrible mother Couldnt save my own child I cant look my own mother in the face I feel so quilty I think my daughter blames me also Me and my son were like best friends I saw him laying there That is an imiage I will never get out of my head I love my son with all my heart He was so funny Loved to have a good time
Deborah Max September 10, 2016
My baby, my son Hastings, forever 21
May 11, 2016 the day my life stood still. My 21 year old son succumbed to his depression. He battled silently for years. All which became apparent in his facebook message, after he decided he could no longer live with the pain, unnbeknown to ANY one. He was an IB highschool graduate, a D1 athlete at the college of his choice and the founder of a scholarship program that raised thousands of dollars for accomplished high school athletes in the memory of a HS athlete who was killed in an auto accident on his way to his senior pictures. He and his Big Brother from BBBS were the Big and Little of the year in Central FL, he coached future athletes, was in college, had a job, loved animals and was a competitive collegiate athlete. None of us knew just how tourtured he was in his heart. My heart is absolutely broken. He used a fire arm and blew his brains out, in his room, in the only house he had ever lived in and a friend of his and me found him. The house his father, sister, him and me all shared for 5 short years until his father lost his battle with colon cancer, when Hastings was 5 years old. I feel sick to my stomach most of the time. I try hard to embrace the gift of his life but I just feel SO empty inside. I miss my baby!!!!! I miss my son, Hastings, forever 21!!!!!
Kerry August 21, 2016
My beautiful son kieron
I lost my son 31st may 2015 , had a great family night with him , he went home with his girl friend had a  argument she left the house , God only knows what she said to him , because the next day I went to knock him up only to find me breaking the door down and finding him hung it was the worst day of my life he was only 21 and lived life he was kind loved every one never a bad word come from his life , he sufferd with short term memory loss due to his birth but didn't let it bother him he worked hard and wanted a great future but that night it all changed and I will never no why , his girlfriend left after the funeral and never spoke since it breaks my heart to think he took his life over a girl or maybe what she had drummed in to him the weeks befor as I got his phone from the police and what I thought was a nice girl was some one who had a nasty   Tongue My family's life has been turned up side down , I'm still numb that this has happened even tho I found him I can't believe my beautiful boy has gone
Kim Patricia August 18, 2016
What happened in that few hours?
I just lost my precious son. He was 33 years old. He died June 5th. Just a couple months ago. No warning, no depression, My son was a very educated and brilliant Emergency Medicine Doctor. He was an MD, Phd,SABEM, a Professor of Emergency Medicine at the State College, he loved what he did and his patient's loved him. I talked to my son at about 12;30 am. He had been out with 3 of his other friends as none of them had to work the next day. He told me he was having a great time and he had put new pictures of of his Dad and I. He said everyone of his friends loved them. They were having a good time. He was helping me paint. On Saturday he asked me not to try to move the heavy furniture. He would be home Sunday June 5th around noon. I couldn't get him by phone, text, voicemail that next Sunday Morning June 5th. So finally, I had a bad feeling, that only a parent knows, you have an intuition that something isn't right. So I showered got dressed and drove to his apartment. I could not get in, as it was locked. But I could see windows open and lights on. I thought maybe he had gone to the store or something. So I proceeded down to the garage, to my horror, both of his cars were there. I went back up to the apartment door and kept pounding and yelling his name. Kaleb, Kaleb, it's me Mom. Finally I called the Manager of the Apartments. She opened the door for me; we walked in togeher. I was in shock, there sitting in the middle of his love seat was my 33 year old son. Half of the Left side of his head was gone. In my mind I went over and tried to wake him up, but I knew he had been dead for quite some time. He was laughing, and talking to me a few hours before on Saturday night. The next day he was dead from a self inflicted gunshoot wound to the head. I'm traumatized, devastated, and 100% completely lost. He was my only child. He was so handsome, actually he was beautiful, dark very loose curly hair, full mouth, beautiful eyes, beautiful facial features, and perfect white teeth. Now he was saturated in blood. Weekends are dreaded. Half of me died that day too. I started grief therapy. They have no clue, none of them have ever lost a child. Who are they to try to help me?  I am a Nurse, I think their therapy is riduculous. The first 15 minutes I get drilled with questions; Have you had any alcohol this week, ha ha I don't drink, How many cigarettes have you smoked, 2 months ago I informed them I have never smoked a cigarette, Have I used any street drugs,how much caffine to I drink. What does this have to do with my grief. They are not any help to me. They are just a bunch of Psychs who have read a lot of books. Then they try to use there book knowledge on you. No, No, you have to lose a child to help someone else. They know NOTHING about it. Grief Counselors; what a joke. They are almost laughable.But I sit like a good girl and listen to their bullshit. Most of the time my mind is some place else. Because I know they know nothing about my life right now, or how I feel. 

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