How do I live with my son's suicide?
It was a lovely quiet Sunday morning, on 5 February 2006, when my life irrevocably changed in the blink of an eye. My husband and I were on our way to the shop when an emergency vehicle passed us with loud sirens and flashing lights. In my ignorance I said to my husband I wonder who died now. In the meantime the vehicle was on its way to the scene where my son Emile, 20, hanged himself during the Saturday night or early Sunday morning in a weeping willow tree in a park near our house. I will never forget those words I uttered. About a half an hour after we returned home children from the neighborhood called my youngest son to our gate. They informed him that a young man, who fit Emile’s description, committed suicide in the park. We quickly drove there. The area at the tree looked like a crime scene. Emergency and police vehicles and personnel were everywhere. The place where my son was lying was surrounded by police tape. I told the trauma officer I thought it could be my son. He led me to a body lying on the grass under the tree covered with an emergency blanket. I stood there looking at my son’s face in shock. It was like a dream, I could not believe my eyes. It couldn’t be true. I kept asking my husband if I was dreaming, it couldn’t be Emile lying there dead. Everything felt like a nightmare, the daylight was blinding and I heard a roaring noise in my head. The trauma officer spoke to us but I did not understand one word he was saying. We went home and I started phoning family and friends to tell them. Nobody believed me because I didn’t cry and told them in a matter of fact way that Emile hanged himself. The only thing that went around and around in my mind was: “It can’t be, it can’t be, my son can’t be dead. This is all a nightmare and I’m going to wake up any minute.” On the Sunday evening I returned to my senses and realized it was true. I never understood the meaning of keening, but that night I keened for hours and the weeks following Emile’s death. It felt as if I was going insane. My thoughts were in disarray and I felt anxious the whole time. The next day we had to go to the mortuary to identify him. It was the most horrid experience I ever had to go through. I could not believe he was lying dead on that cold slab of cement. It didn’t look like my beautiful son. My heart was torn into pieces and I felt like dying of a broken heart! Every day was a nightmare. A part of me died with my son on that fateful day and I couldn’t function in a normal way. I stayed in bed for weeks and all I could do was cry my heart out. Every night I was on the Internet for hours searching desperately for somewhere, where I could share this unbearable pain I was feeling. I phoned radio pulpit every day and told my story to Christian therapists over and over in the hope that someone could make it better for me. There was nothing in South Africa apart from The Compassionate Friends who helped me tremendously. There is no help for the unbearable pain a parent experience after the suicide of a child. Nobody out there understands what you are going through. There is nothing anybody can do or say to make you feel better. For months I ate almost nothing and didn’t cook or clean or did anything in the house. It felt as if I was all alone on earth. I couldn’t imagine a future without Emile. I couldn’t think properly or remember anything I did or said or what anybody else did or said. I didn’t remember anything that happened to me, I was on autopilot the whole time. The worst thing was that Emile didn’t leave a letter or anything to explain this to me. I searched everywhere like one possessed for anything that could explain why my son did this awful thing. I searched the area under the tree and in the tree for a clue. I scratched around in his clothes and searched every pocket and place for something to give me an idea why my son did this. The questions are still driving me insane. Why, what? What was wrong with my son I didn’t see? Was I so selfish and self centered I never realized there was something wrong with Emile? I still blame myself that I didn’t realize what was going on in his mind, what he was planning. What did I do wrong in his life, where did I fail as a parent?
I look at other parents with big sons and I can’t believe that Emile isn’t here any more. I didn’t just lose a son to suicide, but a friend. The sorrow and despair is indescribable, and if you don’t find yourself it that situation, you can never imagine what parents go through. I started an e-mail support group for parents who lost their children called Loving Arms. We share our heartache and support each other with encouragement and understanding.
Nobody understands this hell and they don’t know what to say to you. People in their ignorance say all kinds of stupid things to a parent in this situation. They say things like: “Your son committed suicide and that means his soul will never find rest, you have another child live for him now, you need to get over it now and carry on with your life”. And it does nothing to change the destruction in your mind it just adds to the pain and heartache. On more than one occasion I just wanted to scream out at them: “please just leave me alone, you have no idea what you are talking about. My son is dead and I don’t know why.” I was on a suicide mission of my own for months and landed in hospital after I tried to overdose with tranquilizers.
Nobody can come through this pain without any help. It is an emotional roller coaster ride and you never know how you are going to feel in the next moment. One minute you are in this deep dark hole of despair, and the next you feel so angry that this abominable thing could’ve happened to you. Then there are days when you feel quite calm. On other days all you can do is cry uncontrollably and feel as if you will never ever be normal again. My perception of life changed completely, and things that were important in the past don’t mean anything any more.
I Don't Understand
It is almost seven years since my committed suicide by self inflicted gunshot wound. I don't understand how my heart hurts. It sneaks up on me. I was having an ok day when a black cloud just came over Me AGAIN. It consumes me. I go through the scenario of my son shooting himself in the head. I envision him crying and sobbing. I envision him trembling as he puts the gun to his head. I wonder if there was blood. Were his eyes closed? What was he wearing? He was a meticulous dresser. I bet he took a shower and dressed before killing himself. I really don't get it. Of all people! He was dashingly handsome, a father , a successful human. He found out his wife had been cheating on him. In fact, he caught them. My misery will not stop. I am ok for a while. Life seems kind of useless to me. I blame myself. How,could I not see this. He was my son. My flesh and blood, I should have helped him. I thought I was, but obviously not enough. It will be seven years on August 17th. I looked at his death certificate again today. Cause of death; shot himself... Some days I am in a stupor. Other days my mind goes through the horrible scenario. I am going to counseling and have been for one year. It helps some days. But why do I still remember his voice, his smell, the horror he must have gone through. I just do not understand.
In A Better Realm
My firstborn and only son jumped from the 7th floor of a parking garage a block and a half around the corner from where he was born at home in Las Vegas and died in a hospital with no loved ones with him the night before his 28th birthday. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing and left behind close to a dozen journals in his car, expressing some of his most intimate feelings about SO many different things... including me, his mother. He was SO conflicted on so many levels. My poor son.
Even though I am still quite traumatized and silently grieving (he left this Earth on March 9th 2016), I still have to give thanks that I have an overwhelming number of reasons WHY he chose to leave here... in his OWN words/writing. It helps in some ways but it still doesn't take away the shock, amazement and grief.
My son was handsome, intelligent, articulate, creative and a truly deep thinker/writer (as his journals graphically displayed).
Truthfully, after reading his journals... I see why he did what he did. He was battling some serious demons. He was also diagnosed as bi-polar more than a few years ago.
I was blessed to be able to anoint his head and face with scented oils and frankincense crystals before his remains were cremated. I placed an Orthodox cross on his chest as well. My priest wouldn't have anything to do with it (because he took his own life) and for that, I have chosen to never speak to him again or return to church.
I would not allow anyone else to be at the funeral home except a close friend from high school and her husband of 30 years. My biological relatives can rot in hell. That's where my anger lies... with them. They did a lot of damage by coming between my son and I. They are guilty and complicit. As far as I am concerned, his blood is on their hands.
I have another child, a daughter who is a year younger than her brother. She won't talk about his death. She is numb and avoiding me as well. I don't know what to do because she lives in another state.
We have been through HELL as a family... my son, my daughter and I.
Honestly, I see why my son did what he did. I understand. This world can be so cold and cruel. People talk a good game but most of them are fake and superficial. They don't really give a DAMN. I see it right now going through this grieving process. People are busy and preoccupied and don't want to deal with such a traumatic loss. Some just don't know how and others simply don't want to be bothered. Their lives are still going on. This is MY problem. I see how and why my son could feel so alone inside his own thoughts.
I, as well, have to deal with this alone... in my own time and space at the end of the day. I give thanks for the handful of true friends I have that have proven their love and concern for me to the best of their abilities through this ordeal.
I thank and bless everyone on this site that has shared their deeply private and personal testimonies. This is certainly NOT an easy thing to do. I am an extremely private person. My son and I were very different. He was so much more outgoing than me. I wish I could have been a different mother for him. I was a struggling single mother who didn't have a lot of money but I spent quality time with my children... parks, museums, libraries, festivals, concerts, hiking, bike riding, restaurants etc. I tried but... it never seemed like enough for him. He always wanted more than I could provide. That led to some serious problems along the way, unfortunately.
All I have left now are memories and pictures. I give thanks for his cremains that are in a beautiful urn in my living room but... they can NEVER replace the living, breathing soul that was him... Hasani.
His spirit is free now. I am the one left here on this wretched Earth to find my way to my final transition now and... I worry deeply about my daughter Hasina as well. This is VERY difficult. I look forward to my eventual exit and don't ever want to return. I don't like the suffering that exists here in this realm.
My son is now in a better realm. I am happy for him. May his soul soar!
Peace and Blessings, mi hijo. Your Mother does and always will love you... XO
Peace and Blessings to you ALL... XO
Roland III
My beautiful 15 year old son committed suicide 7 weeks ago On his birthday. He was in band, football, history club, trap shooting club, and had a football recruiter for a scholarship calling him. He was better looking than me, he was a lot nicer than me, he was much more well rounded than me and had a whole heck of a lot to look forward to in life.
This was a spur of the moment stupid decision he made. Everyone else is forgetting this. I will always have my heart broken down because of this. I love
I would walk up and tell strangers. They thought it was weird.
we we have a remaining 14 year old son.
best friends suicide
In April 2016 my bestfriend killed herself,she had 2 children a loving family and was very popular. Her partner left her and was sending her nasty txt messages, she drank a bottle of vodca and hung herself. we spoke all the time, I knew she had postnatel depression and bad anxiety, but never ever would I ever have even thought she would commit suicide. we were so close and yet al never know what was going through her mind that nite, and I cant really ask questions about what she did etc. her pairents are going through hell. 27 years old. and gone in a flash. I truley beleave if she hadnt of drank the vodka she sould still be here, and it certenly wasnt planned. I loved her and will allways play on my mind. Suicide is a terrible thing, and mental health has a terrible stigma towards it.
My Son Vishan
Hi My Child
Two months has past yet the pain and the hurt is still the same even more then before ,when i see Samishka my heart goes out to her one can see the pain in her eyes that u not around anymore son .I cant imagine what it was that u thought so little of yourself to do what u did my only son ,yet you the one man in the family everbody look up to Role model , the peace maker ,the problem solver why why only u and god will know aunty Pinky is really lost without u .As for me i am only living by the day my child with the grace of the higher power Visahn i love u my son peace be with u love mummy sadly missid u have taken a big part of me with u i died with u my child No money in the world can buy your life back son . You ment more the money to me only i and god knew you value
LoVe MuM
Hello, my name is Ana and I've spend the last 23 years of my life thinking about suicide. I try to explain it to the doctors and they give me pills after pills, I try to explain it to my parents and they tell me life will get better and that I should stop overreacting, I try to tell my friends but I don't think they think I'd ever take my life. Today I'm still alive but I still want to die, I spent one week in the hospital after my most recent attempt of suicide failed, it was horrible how it failed but I've been closer before, I just guess that in my previous attempts, the nearly successful ones, I shouldn't have sent goodbye messages to anyone because they ended up getting the police and ambulance, a huge apparatus outside my house. Today I know that when I decide to do it I won't be able to say goodbye to anyone. Now, what do I feel to feel like I want to kill myself? No one will ever know and understand it better than God because I know He's waiting for me at any moment with arms wide open to finally embrace my soul and give me rest. Mum and dad never understood and even after my death they never will, I think sometimes parents don't really want to understand and they believe that if they tell us that everything will get better it eventually will, but it won't. How can I explain my mother that it's suffocation for me to live? As if I was short of breath every single second of my life, it's a struggle, a daily battle. How can I tell my dad that I feel so numb I don't even know if I'm in 2006 or 2016, I don't know which day is it and I've lost touch with the world? I feel like a zombie and sometimes I feel so spaced out that I don't even think I'm here anymore. I'm an hazard to myself because I'm so depressed I don't even know things anymore. I've read how some parents feel after they loose their kids to suicide and I can recall those feelings, that's how we feel, how we've been feeling for ages, hopeless and hopeful, in one second we can have an array of emotions that not a single normal person should deal with, our time either passes too slow, either too fast. We see no future but thinking about our death, sometimes we're too afraid and sometimes that can be a bad combination, we end up doing the things by impulse and it happens. But no matter how much I explain, it is almost impossible to explain, to understand or to accept. Doctors tell us to think about the pain we're going to cause to our loved ones but it is impossible to explain how hard it is to be alive when you can't and there's no help that will keep you alive, your soul already knows how it has to end. Living with all these feelings for two decades or more is a struggle, we have to pretend we're normal, get jobs and families, things that we will eventually leave behind when we decide to die. Isn't it a bit selfish from us? Isn't it a bit selfish from who doesn't want us to die? Life will indeed go on, but people can't live in illusions of happiness and make others believe they're happy when they're not. That is not living, is dying so we might as well just be dead. I've told my parents already, they should get ready, 23 is such a beautiful age to die and I've had enough, can't pretend anymore, my soul aches, I can't eat nor feel anything anymore. I'm already dead I just need to die.
Patrick Eugene Ferree Forever LOVED!!!

My son left us May 22, 2016. He was an amazing Daddy of two girls. He was going through a divorce and was in a text fight with his X when he cried out to her for help she, egnored him. He suffered for over 2 hours of the gun shot to his head before help arrived. He survived several more hours in the hospital. He was unable to respond to me while I was at his side carressing his chest and arm. I spoke precious familiar words to him like, Kissy Kissy Moo Moos, Mommy Loves You, Your The Best In The World, You Melt My Heart. It was then that he started crying. I wiped tears from my dieing sons eyes. That was a sign to me that he was sorry and he tried to hold on. His heart was strong but the damage was done. My sons heart jumped in my hand. I told him God Bless You!!! Go with Jesus. God Is With You!!! I relate too much to Your above messages. I have 4 other grown children. Patrick is 26 years old. I have a hard time being still here in this world that no longer feels real. I just want my son back. I don't want to do this life without him. He told me when he was 16 that when I grew old He will take care of me and change my diapers. Well, I want to hold him to that.
My Aaron
I'm torn between two worlds - wanting to be with my son who is gone and needing to stay with my son who is still here. My beautiful son, Aaron, was extremely talented as a poet and writer and had many friends and family who loved him deeply. Still, he could not bear to cope anymore with the demons in his heart and the woman who broke it. He chose to leave this world on June 12, 2016. I want to know how he could do this. Aaron, please, please come back to me.
How Do I Move On
My son Michael took his own life through carbon monoxide poisoning at the age of 31.
He had suffered from depression most of his life, but in previous weeks he seemed to be happy.
Me and my son son found him in is flat on 2nd May 2016 lay faced down on his bed.
He had wrote messages of love and apologies on his bedroom walls.
Upon looking on his computer he had been planning to do this for a while.
From his activity on his computer and his phone we have established that he chose to die on 20th April 2016.
My son had been there alone for 2 weeks.
As you can imagine I was not allowed to see him to say goodbye.
My friends and family have been great but they can only imagine what I`m going through.
Some days is OK but other days when no one is watching I`m in bits. I have just started having anxiety attacks, can`t sleep.
I still have an inquest to go through too.
He attempted to take his own life some time ago - and when I asked him why? and did he not think what it would do to me he answered "I`ll be out of it and you`ll get over it" I`ll never get over it I`ll just have to learn to live with it. I need to get past this feeling of dread. I have 2 other sons and 2 gorgeous grandaughters + step grandchildren.
I will miss you Michael every single day xxxxxxxxxxx
Endless pain and suffering
My son ismail liverpool,20yrs old committed suicide on the 10th June 2016 ,today is eight days i still cant eat sleep , getting anxiety attacts , i went to visit a counsellor that did not stop my pain i cant stop asking mtself why, what i could hv done ,i feel responsible even though am a great mom i jus dont understand , i cant understand
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