I lost my beautiful boy Thom one early Sunday morning 22nd January 2012, he gassed himself in his dad's car. He had just graduated from university as a physio therapist after four years, he was 23 years old.
He was handsome, intelligent, funny and loved, so loved, over 300 people turned up at his funeral because they loved him, but he didn't love himself.
He had tried several times to end his life in a two year period from slitting his wrists to cutting his throat to jumping off a building, and in the end he managed to do it.
I died that day too, and it hasn't gotten any easier, in fact in the past few months it's gotten worse, the pain is unbearable, and the immense sadness too much to bear at times.
I have two wonderful daughters, three beautiful grand children and an amazing husband I am very lucky I know, but how to you overcome the losing of a child, please someone tell me how I can say goodbye when I'm not ready to let go.
He's my first and last thought every day, I hate going to bed at night because my head floods, and I hate getting up in the mornings knowing I have to live another day without him.
Coming up to another Christmas without him, seeing pictures of him with our grandson the last Christmas we had him, him never meeting our two grand daughters who he would have loved, both my daughters were pregnant when he died. He was our youngest and only son who taught me so much about having passion in your life, he loved to push the boundaries, had a passion for foreign movies, local music talent, anything not of the mainstream.
He DID leave a note, here is what he said......
I wish I could write something incredibly eloquent and insightful that enabled you to understand why I did this, but these feeling of despair have such a hold over me that it is hard to articulate.
I feel like I am living minute by minute and cannot see a future ahead. This has been my lot for quite some time; I'm going through the motions, I don't feel alive.
I have this vacant hollow place inside me, and I've tried to fill it through love, through friendship, through passion, but it still continues to envelop every aspect of my life. I don't think I'll ever feel normal, and I don't want to become a shell of a person who burdens and leeches off other people.
I'm leaving so that doesn't happen. Everything just hurts so much, I want for so much that escapes me. So much disappointment and pain and regret. My mind sabotages me and I'm just done trying to fight it.
To Mum and Dad, you are the most incredible parents anyone could ask for and I love you so much. You raised me with pure love and accepted me for who I was. This is no one's fault but my own.
I am so sorry for hurting you this way and I hope one day you can forgive me for the pain I have caused, I know that everyone will think I am selfish, but it's like there are four walls closing in around me and I can't see any other option.
To my two beautiful sisters, your children will be lucky to have you as their mums, I love you both and I am sorry for leaving and not being there to see your children grow. I am so sorry, this is no ones fault, nothing happened tonight, I am sober of mind, this was not impulsive. Please please forgive me, love to my family and friends. xxx
Like all mums I should have done more, I should have saved him, I should have moved heaven and earth, I should I should I should. Until I see you again my sweet, my heart will be in tatters, but I have to go on, you wouldn't have wanted it any other way.